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MESA- microsurgical aspiration a of the sperm from a epididymis. A procedure performed in case of distraction of a sperm transport between epididymis and urethra. The procedure is in most case performed as an open surgery in general anesthesia. That mean via cca. 3cm long cut in the scrotum access to the ipididymis is gained and the fluid is aspirated using a pipette straight from the channels. The fluid is analyzed during the procedure in the embryology laboratory. If some live sperm is present it is used for eggs fertilization using the ICSI method.
In the case there has been no sperm obtained during MESA we proceed to TESE. This is a procedure when we can get the sperm from the epithelium if the sperm is unable to travel from the testicle in to the epididymis.
Via a small cuts in the testicles cover we get a piece of the tissue. This is proceeded in the lab. If any live sperm is present it is used for fertilization. If azoospermia(no living sperm) is repeatedly confirmed, gain of a suitable sperm is not guaranteed using these methods. The patient is informed about the outcome of a procedure straight post procedure.